
Fresh Design

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Fresh Design

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Masonry Portfolio

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Fresh Design

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Increase your success

Increase Wordpress theme admin panel includes a Super Extended Shortcodes pack for sophisticated content formatting and improved presentation. The widest collection of useful widgets allow you to improve your website’s interaction with visitors, bringing its functionality to a new level.

Increase Wordpress theme is main feature - is an ability to change color easily precisely for any element.  Great customization possibilities are offered by the new version of cmsmasters’ custom wordpress admin panel. The 1.2.1 admin version features all the functionality of 1.2 version, but also includes more customization options. In fact, your wordpress website can be easily turned into a completely custom-designed website, and there is no need to deal with any code for this. All the customization is playfully easy, reminds more of a game rather than website setup

Always the Best Price

Increase WP

  • Standard license
  • Immense Functionality
  • Rich Widget Collection
  • 100% Responsive
  • Premium theme

Increase WP

  • Standard license
  • Form Builder Inside
  • Visual Content Composer
  • Step-by-step Documentation
  • Custom Admin

Increase WP

  • Standard license
  • Immense Functionality
  • 100% Responsive
  • Rich Widget Collection
  • Great Support

Increase WP

  • Standard licence
  • Custom Admin
  • Supreme SEO
  • Extended Shortcodes Pack
  • Premium Theme